The Psych Ward: Losing To Bipolar Disorder And Starting Life Again (My Bipolar World) by Sylvia Meier
The Psych Ward: Losing To Bipolar Disorder And Starting Life Again (My Bipolar World) by Sylvia Meier PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In the latest addition to the "My Bipolar World" series, author Sylvia Meier takes another look at one of the areas that affects those with bipolar disorder. And that is stigma. Stigma associated with the bipolar illness and the stigma associated with having a mental health issue as well as that overly stigmatized place, the psych ward. In the opening chapters we see her own descent into the psych ward, with what took her to the locked doors her first night there and more. As the book closed we are left with a better understanding of what it is like to be in the psych ward, why the stigma is all wrong and why we should not stigmatized those who enter the 4 bare walls, or those who live within them. "The Psych Ward" seeks to break down stigmas associated with bipolar disorder and mental illness in general and Meier does just that.From reader reviews:
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