Sunday, 22 November 2015

PDF⋙ Secret Power: Reveals the 5 supreme arts of influencing the behavior of the crowd by Tran Bao Phuong Le

Secret Power: Reveals the 5 supreme arts of influencing the behavior of the crowd by Tran Bao Phuong Le

Secret Power: Reveals the 5 supreme arts of influencing the behavior of the crowd

Secret Power: Reveals the 5 supreme arts of influencing the behavior of the crowd by Tran Bao Phuong Le PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Easy to understand, deep and profound, Phuong has completely made readers infatuated with his book Secret Power – it is about a type of power which could disseminate profoundly and form powerful thought, opinion or knowledge which in turn can be used to shape the attitude and influence the emotion of the crowd, thus directing the crowd’s behavior according to the will of the user. Phuong also shows us quite a few things about dark PR techniques (Dark Art) in business which are being used to manipulate and to mislead public opinion as well as to eliminate enemies, to help us identify and protect ourselves, thus enhancing our ability to control the society. How to apply the secret power to shape the attitude and to influence the emotion of the crowd will be presented in detail in this book along with many practical examples to help you have an easier time understanding and applying it. One notable thing about the Secret Power is that it contains power of the modern doctrine of PR - a very new approach of PR to the age-old business problems (sales, building and protecting company's reputation). The modern doctrine of PR is more comprehensive than the PR concepts in the past because it contains both value of professional knowledge and value of social contribution. Regarding the value of social contribution, the modern PR doctrine publicizes techniques which can help people perceive PR correctly and make it become more popular to the public. In terms of the value of professional knowledge, the modern PR doctrine shows us how to apply the power of 5 Supreme Arts to help enterprises achieve their goals as well as a sustainable development. As containing in it both the value of professional knowledge and the value of social contribution, this book is considered to be one of the remarkable efforts to bring the PR industry back to its roots and its original mission which is contributing to the building of a healthy information society and a transparent business environment, thus enhancing the society.

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Secret Power: Reveals the 5 supreme arts of influencing the behavior of the crowd by Tran Bao Phuong Le EPub

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