Friday, 15 January 2016

PDF⋙ Music for the Superman: Nietzsche and the Great Composers by David Huckvale

Music for the Superman: Nietzsche and the Great Composers by David Huckvale

Music for the Superman: Nietzsche and the Great Composers

Music for the Superman: Nietzsche and the Great Composers by David Huckvale PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Friedrich Nietzsche regarded himself as the most musical philosopher--he played the piano, wrote his own compositions and espoused a philosophy encouraging all to dance for joy. Central to his life and his ideas were the music and personality of Richard Wagner, whom he both loved and loathed at different times of his life. Nietzsche had considerable influence on composers, many of whom employed Wagnerian sonorities to set his words and respond to his ideas. This book explores Nietzsche's relationship with Wagner, the influence of his writings on the music of Strauss, Mahler, Delius, Scriabin, Busoni and others, his place in Thomas Mann's critique of German Romantic music in the novel Doctor Faustus and his impact on 20th-century popular music.

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