Sell 250 Cars In 2010: The Rule of 250, Social Networking, The Law of Attraction by J M Edwards
Sell 250 Cars In 2010: The Rule of 250, Social Networking, The Law of Attraction by J M Edwards PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In 1974 the economy was in a severe recession. The oil crisis the previous October was largely to blame when OPEC raised the barrel price from $4 to $40. The auto industry felt the effect and sales declined dramatically. The prevailing attitude among salespeople was that people were not interested in buying cars. However, that same year one salesperson sold an amazing 27 cars per week. How did he do it? He stumbled upon a winning strategy - the Rule of 250. In 2010, social networking enables millions of people to stay connected. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are not only social pastimes they have become a necessary business tool. The Law of Attraction states that "you attract what you consistently focus attention upon". This principle is a decisive formula for selling cars. 'Sell 250 Cars in 2010' can help you learn these critical selling strategies, tools and formulas in order to achieve extraordinary success. Selling cars is an exciting profession. The only limit is your imagination. So buckle up and hang on. This could be your best year ever!From reader reviews:
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