Friday, 14 March 2014

PDF⋙ The Vatican Art Deck: 100 Masterpieces by Anja Grebe

The Vatican Art Deck: 100 Masterpieces by Anja Grebe

The Vatican Art Deck: 100 Masterpieces

The Vatican Art Deck: 100 Masterpieces by Anja Grebe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Vatican is one of the most popular destinations in the world, with more than 5 million visitors each year. It is also home to some of the world's greatest and most exquisite works of art. Its museums, palaces, and grounds house Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel and his Pietà, the Raphael frescoes, and the works of Giotto, Fra Angelico, Titian, and Caravaggio, as well as the world's finest statues, manuscripts, architecture, and gardens, and its most precious religious relics.
The Vatican Art Deck includes 100 6 3/8" x 6 3/8" cards highlighting the most iconic and significant works of art in the Vatican. The front side of each card shows a full-size photograph of the art while the back side provides a 200-word discussion by art historian Anja Grebe on the key attributes of the work; what to look for when viewing it; the artist's inspirations, techniques, and biographical information; the artist's impact on art history; and more. The work is also fully described with its title and the artist's name, the date of completion, the birth and death dates of the artist, the medium that was used, the size of the art (where applicable), the catalog number, and the museum in which the work of art can be found.
Perfect for art lovers, students, and armchair travelers, The Vatican Art Deck is a guided tour through one of the most exquisite collections in the world.

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